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Videos for Manufacturing industry

Videos for Manufacturing industry

As an owner of the manufacturing industry, you might be wondering what could be that next step to take your business to another level. As a manufacturer you may not have compromised in any steps while producing your goods and adding value to your brand. You’ve kept all of your employees happy and all the stakeholders up to date with the production process. But, Simply producing a quality product is insufficient for it to sell. Convincing clients and other businesses is equally important in the manufacturing industry. Since, selling is as necessary as production for the company to be in profit, market analysis is must for post production.

In the case of manufacturing industries, the consumers are not always the customers and clients. Some of the products are manufactured for the purpose of supporting business itself. Even in the case of FMCG companies, the goods are sold to retailers prior to reaching the consumers. The business to business modality of commerce is the base of manufacturing products in the industry.

Various types of Manufacturing Industry

Automotive Industry

Among one of the booming industries in the mechanical field, the automotive industry has a high demand in the market. There are already many industries producing automobiles creating high competition.

Petroleum and chemical Industry

Petroleum refineries and chemical plants are emerging as a powerhouse in the manufacturing industry. The demands of petroleum and chemicals rise everyday as we are using modern equipment to make our life easier.

Fast Moving Consumer Goods

The products that FMCG companies manufacture goes through various processes before it is ready to be sent to consumers. The manufacturer’s prime target is to create enough demand in the market so they can continuously fill up the supply chain.

Electronics Industry

When we talk about electronics, it ranges from simple gadgets to complex robots and huge-small machines. Large computers which are setup on factories, production of such material also fall under the Electronics Industry.

Pharmaceutical Industry

Pharmaceutical companies are a perfect example of a business to business commerce platform. They buy from the electronics industry to set up their factory and after manufacturing medicines, they sell it to the Hospital.

Paper Industry

Paper factories are one of the largest and oldest in the manufacturing industry. Coming down to the present scenario, the paper industry has evolved to produce different types of products ranging from notebooks and toilet papers to packaging materials.

Industrial equipment

New factories are emerging rapidly to balance the needs in the supply chain. This gives an opportunity to manufacturer’s of industrial equipment. So, factories and companies are also a business client.

3D videos for manufacturing industry

Videos can change the way we look into business to business commerce platforms. Switching into videos can polish the product that the manufacturing industry brings to the market. When industries use video, the clients can understand the nature and features of the product they are buying beforehand. The industries we talked about in the earlier half of this article is a complex and complicated area of study and space where normal video may not be as suitable as 3D videos will be. 3D modeling videos can describe the general idea of a product no matter its size and complexity. With 3D videos we can better portray the working in a factory with exact resemblance to the existing one. The inner workings of huge machines can be easily described using 3D videos.

Types of videos for manufacturing industry

1. Equipment demonstration

Big factories and industries often use huge and complex equipment and are not limited to single ones. Even if you use only a single piece of equipment for your business, it is a better idea to create a video describing how the equipment at your company works. This video will give an idea to the audience how the equipment works. If you are a business selling equipment itself then videos are the right choice for you to attract customers. With 3D animation equipment demonstration videos can be simply amazing. It can explain the parts of the equipment in detail and to the point. Describing the process of how the equipment works will also be easier with 3D animation.

2. How to videos

How to videos are a great way to interact with your customers. The function and feature of a product can be suitably incorporated in a how to video. If you are selling your product or simply describing how your factory runs videos are a way to go. Audience will fully feel comfortable getting to know about the process that you will describe in your video. In case your customer may have bought the product from your company but they do not know how to set it up correctly then the how to videos will help them a lot figuring it out. Videos are fun to watch and can work as a visual manual of what is there in the written copy.

3. Factory tour

Factory tour videos may not have been possible without the camera before. But now your factories can be easily replicated in 3D animated videos. You can easily start out from a step where raw material is processed to the end where packaging is done in your factory. What you could only imagine is now possible with animation. You can build a layout of how your factory is going to be in a 3D layout and then build the same with the help of it later on. Manufacturing industries are huge, depending on the products they produce sometimes they are of small scales too. No matter its size, factory tour videos of any type of business is possible.

4. Safety Demos

Safety demo videos are a great way to gain viewer’s attention. It shows your responsibility as a manufacturer that you care for your customers. Safety videos are helpful within your business too. It can describe the safety measures that need to be followed while working in the factory. It is a better way to show that you care about your employees. There are many products in the manufacturing industry where safety demos are a must. Since we are talking about large machines and complex equipment, handling them with care needs more attention sometimes and videos are a great deal to tell about it.

5. Product manufacturing

Videos are not only helpful to describe products. It can also be used for describing the process of product manufacturing. Manufacturing industries have to go through a lot of steps before producing a product. From designs to producing and then finally packaging, every step can be described in a video. Creating a product manufacturing video has many benefits to the company. It increases the level of trust between the company and the client.This type of video is also gaining popularity in the manufacturing industry. Bigger companies have been approaching 3D animation to create product manufacturing videos.

6. Industrial Company Overview

This type of video builds an emotional touch between company and the audience. Industrial Company Overview videos tell a story about the company. It can fill out the blanks that the audience had about your company. It maintains the company’s brand reputation in the market. Audience will get to know about the company’s overview from layman workmanship to managerial handlings within your industry. Manufacturing industry can gain a lot with this type of video. It can also be created using different types of animation such as motion graphics, 2D and 3D animation. The bond between the company and its employees also increases with this type of video.

7. Employee onboarding

Some videos are not made of public displays. They are created for the purpose of serving inside the company and for employees. Either you display it on a presentation or show it to new hires on orientation, a video does all the talkings and you can simply jump onto the question answer section. Onboarding an employee has never been easy and smooth. In fact, employees also prefer videos over normal boring lectures. They find it quite interesting to know about the subjects and learn them through videos. The fact that it can be repeated and shared has made it interactive and fun. Manufacturing industry has also adapted to making employee onboarding videos.

8. Training Videos

Training videos can be used to train employees. Videos are an effective tool when it comes to training the audience. It can be a detailed explainer video or a simple how to do video that describes the stepwise process. It can give out the instructions that are needed to understand the process in an effective manner. It minimizes the conflict between the trainee and trainer. In the manufacturing industry also the training videos can set a powerful and fruitful impact. Many industries have already started using videos for training purposes. It has helped them guide the trainee properly and without hassle. It saves enough time for the trainer.


Running a manufacturing industry is not an easy task. You have to face a lot of big and small problems before establishing a successful company. There are various aspects to be kept in mind before handling a business. Videos can be a problem solver. It could minimize the task that otherwise could have been a big hassle. Creating a video can save time too. For every purpose there could be a different video as we have discussed its type earlier in the article. Since the companies we’ve talked about in this article are mostly large scale, 3D animated videos. 3D animations are suitable for describing the factory itself and part of it. It can also be used to describe the full production process. 

We at Creabiz Studio are experts on developing hi-end animated videos effortlessly. We’ve helped several businesses explain their products and services, generate leads and create an exemplary presence on the internet all using exciting and user engaging animated videos.

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