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Video Examples of the Manufacturing Industry

Video Examples of the Manufacturing Industry

Videos are booming as a marketing tool. People look up videos on the internet to entertain themselves every now and then. Even the fact states that 80% of internet traffic nowadays comes from watching videos. Whether in the form of advertisement or a simple explainer video, the conversion rates through videos is already on the rise. If you are from the field of manufacturing industry and are looking to create a video for your company, then here are the video examples of the manufacturing industry that may help you get the idea about the kind of video you want to create.

Manufacturing industries is an area of business where large and complicated production takes place. The production itself is not sufficient for the company to gain success. Equal attention is necessary while convincing the stakeholders in the market about the products you have manufactured. There are various ways of doing so and creating videos is one of them. The approach of creating videos for the manufacturing industry is slightly different than that of other areas of business. 3D animation can uplift the quality of production when it comes to producing videos for the manufacturing industry. In this article we will look at different video examples of the manufacturing industry.

12 Video Examples of the manufacturing industry

1. Volkswagen XL1 Animation Technology

Automotive industries are one of the highest selling businesses around the world. Assembling different parts and before that manufacturing different parts is a very complicated process. Videos can help the manufacturing and assembling process easy. It can be used as a training tool to the employees for better understanding the product. It can entertain the audience by letting them know the information about automobiles and engines of the vehicle they see around in the streets.

2. Sand to Silicon

We use computers and gadgets everyday. It has made our life simpler and easier in various ways. But the production of such great human achievements has a very complicated manufacturing process. These complicated processes can be easily elaborated and explained to the audience using animated videos. In this video, Intel has explained how they turn sand into silicon and convert it into a chip using 3D animated videos. It has helped them in their branding.

3. Wool Production Process

We have all worn woolen products at some stage of our life. Every winter we choose woolen clothes to keep us warm. But have we ever wondered how the woolen clothes came to be? We’ve all seen the wools come from sheep. But the conversion of that wool into a proper woolen product. It has to go through a lot of processes in its manufacturing industry. The production process could be explained by writing too but watching a video saves a lot of time and is enjoyable. Here take a look at this video example of the manufacturing industry.

4. Manufacturing Marketing Explainer Video

Video marketing is a different approach when it comes to manufacturing explainer video. A normal video may not be able to explain what your product does as effectively as an animation could do. Take a look at this animated video, how it used 2D animation and explained the existing problem and projected solution by introducing their product. It may not have been as effective as it is if it had used other forms of videos.

5. Animated Brand Video | Yates Cylinders

Briefing a company timeline is one of the best approaches when it comes to adding value to your brand. The establishment and your journey sets a positive impact of earned experience by the company. What you do will be supported with how long you have been doing it and you’re already an established company. Your company will have an advantage when they will know about the products and company brief through an animated video just like Yates Cylinders.

6. 3D Animated Product Video

Product demonstration is a popular choice that manufacturing industries make when it comes to creating a video. And with 3D animation it is more versatile and influencing. The inner parts of a model can be easily segmented to provide the clear concept of the product. The products can be small tools or bigger equipment used in industries, 3D animated videos can be used for every type of demonstration videos. Take a look at this example video.

7. Novum - Explainer Video

3D product explainer videos are a way to go tool to let your potential customers know about the product. In this example Novum is trying to sell its refrigerators using 3D animation and letting the audience know of its uses and usefulness. Novum refrigerators are not the type of refrigerators that are used at home. It is actually used in supermarkets or where large quantities of fish are stored. So, in this case their audience is of selective business owners who might need refrigerators.

8. Sheet Piling Installation Animation Video

How to videos are suitable to teach the audience through demonstrations in animated videos. It is a type of explainer video but uses a demo to tell step wise process of the topic being explained. This example is of a video narrated in Chinese language so their audience is directly the people who understand Chinese language and of a relative field who can understand Sheet piling and wants to know more about it. The audience for this video could be engineers and skilled layman workers in the related field.

9. Animated Installation Manual for Interior Door Lock

Suppose you’ve bought a door lock for your office or home. You need to fit the lock all by yourself. There is an instruction manual paper that comes with the lock but it is in a format that you cannot properly understand. In this case the installation manual video could be of a lot helpful. If a company manufactures a product and creates a similar video of installation guide manual then that would be a lot helpful for buyers to easily install the product. It is one of the types of video that the manufacturing industry can create.

10. 3D Factory Tour

Factory tour videos can give a lot of insights about the company. And with 3D animated videos factory tours can be created in an interesting way. The manufacturing industries are creating this type of video to explain to the audience about what it is like working in their company. It tells about the many stages a production goes through before the product finally reaches the hands of a customer. This helps the company build trust among audiences and is a unique method to grasp viewers’ attention.

11. JLCPCB 3D Factory Tour

This video similarly is a factory tour by a company creating a virtual 3D space of their existing company. 3D animation is a powerful tool that can create an existing space into a virtual space that fits into a video. So, factory tour videos don’t have to be cinematic anymore. This 3D animated video is a good example of where office space including indoors and outdoors is projected showing both office space and manufacturing space within the company.

12. Personal Protective Equipment Safety Measures to be Followed

Another video example of manufacturing industry could be safety demo videos where safety measures while working at the company is explained. This video similarly is a safety demonstration to be kept in mind while working at an Industrial company. They have used 3D animation which is usually preferred while making manufacturing industry videos. Safety demo videos are usually created to create awareness among employees to avoid major accidents.


Video examples in the manufacturing industry will give you a brief idea about taking your video project to a certain direction. It will help you understand the different types of video that are suitable for a manufacturing industry. These videos will guide you properly through the benefits of using animation. Animated videos work as a powerful tool to describe the products in a unique angle. It can be used to describe a product, create an installation manual, factory tours, and many more. In order to understand the types, check our article Videos for manufacturing industry.

We at Creabiz Studio are experts on developing hi-end animated videos effortlessly. We’ve helped several businesses explain their products and services, generate leads and create an exemplary presence on the internet all using exciting and user engaging animated videos.

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